A Challenge

“…and moths have eaten your clothes.” – James 5:2

When I first moved to Charlotte, one of my co-workers and I had a conversation about what church he went to and other churches in the Charlotte area. A few days later, I decided to listen to one of the sermons online in the background while I was working. Very early on in the sermon, part of a verse in James hit me hard. “…and moths have eaten your clothes.” The pastor went on to say that while our brothers and sisters have no clothes to wear, we have so much in our closet that the moths are eating it because we do not have the opportunity to wear it all.

This hit hard. My closet is jam packed, my drawers barely close, my laundry basket is constantly over flowing. I can “lose” items of clothing and have no idea that they are missing. There are people in my city, who “lose” an item of clothing and then have to hide in shame because they aren’t wearing anything.

A friend of mine had been toying with the idea of not buying clothes, shoes or accessories for an entire year. I encouraged her to go through with it, but wanted a way to come alongside of her during the year. As someone who’s shopping addiction used to be out of control but has since been tamed, I knew that giving up shopping for a year isn’t what I needed to do. It was quickly very evident that what I needed to do, over the next year, was to get rid of half of my wardrobe and donate it to an organization in Charlotte that will give to it women who need it. Maybe someone who will be working their first professional job and needs business attire. Maybe someone who left an abusive situation with just the clothes off her back. Maybe someone who lost everything. Maybe someone who is struggling to see herself as beautiful, but can put on a dress that was just hanging in my closet, and will feel beautiful for the first time in a long time.

I’m posting this not as a look at me, but a hey, help hold me accountable. Yes, there will be things that will be very easy to give away. But then there will be things that I want to keep, even though I have 17 of the same thing. There will be times, when I forget my heart behind what I am doing and get prideful. There will be times when I want to give up and just keep everything. I think the first fourth will be easy to rid myself of. But then it will come down to items of clothing that I want, but do not need. There was a time in my life, when football season was approaching, so I would go buy 6-7 new garnet and black dresses and tops. I see now that it was excessive, but that also means there are a lot of garnet and black dresses in my closest with only 6-7 Saturday’s in the fall to wear them. Yes, I wear them on other occasions too, but still there is excess. I also want to keep my shopping in check. When I do go shopping, for however many items I bring home, I will get rid of that number from my wardrobe.

The moths are coming and I would much rather someone in need wear the clothes I do not wear, than have the moths eat them.

Dinner in a Small Town

One Friday after work, we jumped in the car and headed about an hour down the road to the small town of Ridge Spring, SC to eat dinner at Juniper, where a friends friend was the musical entertainment.

Adorable back room. How cute would this be for a big dinner party to have to whole back room?  

Drinks were served in mason jars.  Yummy biscuits with homemade peach butter to start. Mediterranean Pasta Salad as a pre-dinner snack from the chef.Salad was up next.
  Some opted for soup.

A sampling of entree’s from the table


We asked for dessert but only if the bananas foster could be made in our presence.

Others opted for brownie sundaes!   

Love these girls!

If you ever want an adventure, road trip down to Ridge Spring and enjoy a great meal with great service. Thanks for a great night Juniper!

xoxo ashley

Rent the Runway

Back in October I rented this dress from Rent the Runway for a work event that ended up getting cancelled due to the flood. So I decided that have a photo shoot so the dress wasn’t a complete waste. I did get cash back through Ebates when renting the dress. It also happened to be around the time of my birthday, so it became a birthday photo shoot as well 🙂








And who doesn’t love sparklers?





xoxo ashley

Travel Tuesday : New Orleans Saints Game

So I’m a New Orleans Saints fan. You can blame it on a boy, but once I’m committed to a team, I’m committed and there is no changing my mind. So this past fall as part of our football weekend, we drove down to New Orleans from Ole Miss to go to the 2nd football game of the weekend.


The NFL takes their entrances seriously.




We left Oxford about 5 am to make it to the game so we were a bit delirious at one point.


The game ended up going into overtime and the Saints lost. To the Titans. Who I’m pretty sure only won 2 games all season. Okay, so it was 3, but still. I was banking on the Saints winning this one. It was still a fun game regardless.


I did get her to wear the right colors. She isn’t a fan, because of said boy mentioned earlier.



With my boy Drew.


Check back next week for playing tourist around New Orleans the next day after the game.

Who is your favorite NFL team and have you ever been to one of their games?

xoxo ashley

Jury Duty

Back in November, I checked the mail and among all of the junk mail I get (anyone else? like I would have 25,438 credit cards if I took them up on all their offers) and I found my summons for jury duty. It was scheduled the week I was leaving for NYC. The mailing was not clear that it was only for Monday – Thursday, I was leaving Friday afternoon and entered full panic mode. As in taking my lunch break to go to the courthouse to talk to someone about my trip. The security guard was like um you still have to show up and just tell the judge. Oh, that’s super helpful (actually not at all) sir. Fast forward to the following week when jury duty began…


I thought I was supposed to show up at 8:30, not 8. I came to the realization around 7:30 am while still in my pajamas.

When I pulled into the parking garage, I couldn’t get the machine to give me ticket so I just drove through. After parking, I walked down to the machine to get a ticket. The cars driving by thought I was there to help and press the button for them, so that is what I did. Finally, a man pulled up and I said please can I just grab a ticket real quick? He was nice and let me.

As I was going through the security check and my bag was being checked, the woman said “It looks like you are here to camp out today.” I had no idea how long I would be there and I can get bored very easily, I had to come prepared.

All the jurors had to sit in an empty court room. We did get to watch the Today Show. I did learn that heat doesn’t leave your body through you head, but hands, so you should always wear gloves.

Gameday Belles Boutique has some adorable gloves that are currently on sale for $13.95 plus FREE shipping. There are 12 colors to choose from!


And my girl Adele was on the Today show.

None of the other jurors were talking or trying to be friendly. Finally the judge came to get us. I was a tad confused, thought she had people to do that for her.

The judge called roll to make sure everyone had showed up. We said here by verifying our address so our check could be mailed to the correct place. Hello travel fund deposit 🙂

We went through some questions about being fit for duty like if we were mentally stable, currently under investigation, able to understand English, those sorts of questions. Then people could ask to be excused certain days. This is when I officially learned that there are no jury trials on Friday’s so I did not have to speak to the judge.

Everything had been settled for that morning and we were excused.


Called the number at 8:30 like instructions said. The instructions also said to press 1. You couldn’t press 1. The message hadn’t been updated since November. Called every so often and finally at 9 it had been updated. Jurors weren’t needed that day. Call back tomorrow after 9. Off to work I went.


Called just before 9 in (still in my pjs) and the message said to report by 9:15. Signed in right at 9:15

While waiting one girl stood up in front of the group and asked if they had WiFi. She was laughed at and one man said something about how everything was secure because of where we were.

We went down to the court room with the judge and lawyers. The judge asked a ton of questions.

We had to stand up introduce ourselves and where we worked/what we did and same for our spouse. As soon as the defense heard insurance I was out the door. I didn’t clarify it was health and life insurance.


We were asked to come in Thursday.

They turned off Hoda and Kathy Lee – I wasn’t going to be that girl who asked for it to stay on so then we sat in awkward silence without the TV on.

The judge came in without her robe on (so I knew we were done) and said the case resolved in plea. But because we came in that week, 70 cases were resolved.

We out. Now wait to see if and when I get paid. Not sure how the money works like if you just get paid for showing up for an hour or have to serve.

It has been 2 months and I still have no received a check but this is the government we are talking about here. One of my co-workers served 2 weeks before me and hasn’t received his check yet either. So I’m not holding my breathe for my check.

xoxo ashley


I found a fun website the other day, Chairish with beautiful armoires and decided it would be fun to style the top of the armoire. While looking through all of the armoires on their website, it was so hard to choose my favorite. They are all fabulous and make me want to redecorate my house!

white armoire

I LOVE white furniture. When I moved into my house and my mom offered to buy me new bedroom furniture, all I knew is that I wanted it to be white.

I absolutely love that you can see inside this. Even though this would be used for storage, anything that you don’t want seen can go in the drawer at the bottom. It’s perfect. I am all about decorating. As I am sitting in my bed writing this, I looked around my room and see that the tops of none of my furniture is bare.

The first thing I would add to the top of this would be a live plant, something that maybe hung down a little bit.

Secondly, I would add a painting with a pop of color. Since it is white, I would want to add some color into the room. Possibly something by Megan Carn or Teil Duncan.

megan carn


teil duncan


I’m a simple girl, so would just start with those 2 items, maybe add a big candle or mason jars.

Which armoire would you choose and how would you decorate it?

xoxo ashley

The Girl Behind the Lens

I owe great thanks to Annie, the one who helps make this blog and Gameday Belles Boutique possible.

She’s the one who not only takes all my pictures, but also comes up with the ideas for the pictures.

She is more than patient when I’m being sassy or start to get annoyed from needing to take so many pictures.

She accepts the mediocre pictures I take of her when she has a really cool idea and she wants some pictures too. Like the glitter pictures from July 4th.

Today Annie turns 25!

Annie, I hope you have a wonderful birthday and feel very celebrated, loved and young 🙂

I am so thankful for you as my photographer, stylist, brainstorm-er, classy to my sassy, roommate and friend.

Here to the next 25! (and all the adventures #classyandsassy will have and the pictures that will be taken)


xoxo ashley

Why Hello There

I’m jumping back on this blogging train.

This fall was absolutely insane, but I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Except some more time for blogging. In all honesty, I missed blogging. I had at least my Thursday Huddle posts and maybe a few other thrown in along the way, but I missed sitting down and planning, writing, scheduling and posting. There are a few posts that are sitting in drafts waiting to be finalized.

One of the reasons this blog was started was to be able to go back 10 years from now and remember that fun, adventurous, exhausting, crazy time in my life. So I will be going back through the fall and posting highlights as well as what is currently happening. There were some good things that happened and some great things coming up.

Happy 2016 friends! Here’s to the good, the bad and the ugly and everything thrown in between.

xoxo ashley

Tailgate Thursday : Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Sarah: Blog / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram
Jasmine: Blog/Facebook/Twitter/Instagram
Lexi: Blog/Twitter/Instagram/Bloglovin
Ashley: Blog/Instagram/Twitter/Pinterest

Are you ready for some football? It’s that time of year again. Time to break out your favorite, jersey, munch on some wings, crack open a cold one, cheer for your favorite football team, and spend time with family and friends. What better way to bring on football season than sharing your favorite things about football with everyone! So I bring you the #ThursdayHuddleParty with Lexi from A Blissful Haven where everyone can see how you celebrate football! Be sure to link up every Thursday through football season. I would love to have you and can’t wait to read about your favorite things about football!

What You Can Link Up:
*Anything Football Related such as, recipes to make for Game Day, fashion posts that relate to sportswear/Game Day/what to wear to games, memories relating to football, DIY Football Crafts, updates on your kids’ football games, etc.

Linkup Rules (Guidelines):

    1. Follow your host and co-hosts in some way
    2. Link up your Thursday Huddle post, NOT your blog URL
    3. Use the hashtag #ThursdayHuddleParty when you share on social media
    4. Grab the button and display it on your blog so others can join the party

A Blissful Haven

A Blissful Haven

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you enjoy a wonderful time with family and friends today and that your team wins rivalry week!
xoxo ashley