Would You Like Some Cheese With That Wine?

I mostly like basic cheeses and don’t really drink wine, but I wanted to host a Wine & Cheese Party just as a chance to try new things and get a group of girls together to have fun, laugh and let the stresses of the week disappear for the night.

What’s a wine party without a Rewined Candle? My sister got my this candle for my birthday and oh how I love. They are locally made in Charleston from recycled wine bottles. Each scent is a different type of wine.


If you are interested in Rewined candle for less than you can buy it online or in stores, send me an email (carolinalifestyle2@gmail.com) for details.

So now back to the party, everyone was asked to either bring wine or cheese. I opted for cheese, hello Trader Joe’s. If you have never seen the cheese selection at Trader Joe’s, make a special trip and go get some cheese! I got Aged Farmhouse Cheddar, Italian Truffle and Jalesburg but there were so many other options to pick from. The overall consensus was not great for the Italian Truffle, I thought that since truffle fries are sooooo good that this cheese would also be good, but nope. I do plan on trying to melt it and over some fries and see how that goes. We had about 10-12 different kinds of cheese to try. My favorite, by far, was the Rosemary Asiago, also from Trader Joes. Y’all go get some of that and put it on some pasta ASAP.





I laid out parchment paper on the table for the cheeses and had everyone write the type of cheese on the parchment paper (which made clean up super easy) For the white wine, I filled cute bowls up with ice to keep it cool.





So glad you decided to call Columbia home, Kaitlin!


We pulled out Table Topics to add interesting conversation in the mix


So thankful for #theedge and their friendship.


We are saying bye to sweet Megan as she heads off to Charlotte for a great new job. See ya soon in Charlotte, Meg!

Wine and cheese parties are so easy to host. Seriously, grab some cheese, your favorite wine and your best girls; it’ll be a blast.

xoxo ashley

*Photos were taken by multiple people throughout the night, thanks if you took any of the pictures!*